​Submission Deadline, Guidelines and Instructions:
Please note:
Innovative Research in Japanese Studies new submission guidelines and deadline for our 2016 edition will be announced shortly.​
The 2014 & 2015 submissions guidelines can be found below.
Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
What and How to Submit?
1. We accept submissions in English.
2. To submit your work, e-mail your submission as a Word document (doc-format, not docx-format) to iajapanstudies@gmail.com.
All other inquiries should be directed to iajapanstudies+inquiries@gmail.com.
3. Your subject line should fit the following format: [author name] [paper title] (e.g. [Joe Cohen] [Portable Gaming in Japan])
4. You will need to include a short abstract (250 words) on the first page of your article briefly summarizing the key points and findings of your paper. Abstracts of published articles will be published in English and in Japanese.
5. Include up to five keywords after the abstract.
6. Together with your Word document, attach the following cover sheet. Please rename the cover sheet from "coversheet.doc" to "ARTICLE_NAMEcoversheet.doc" (e.g PORTABLE_GAMING_IN_JAPANcoversheet.doc).
7. Figures and pictures must be supplied by the author as separate files in the highest resolution obtainable (in order to obtain the best quality). Once accepted for publication, authors are responsible for obtaining copyrights for using all visuals.
8. Priority will be given to submissions accompanied by a letter of recommendation from an academic advisor.
9. Allow two weeks to receive confirmation of receipt.
Guidelines and Requirements for Submission

1. A quality article should make a clear and persuasive argument, convey the topic’s significance within the broad context of its field, provide a balanced analysis, demonstrate knowledge of the subject area, and be written in a coherent and engaging manner.
2. Authors should avoid technical jargon as much as possible.
3. Please use the Chicago Manual of Style (The University of Chicago Press) Author-Date format for references and endnotes. The Manual should also be consulted for questions of style, grammar, punctuation, and form. (for your reference please see: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html)
4. Submissions must be at least 4500 words and should be less than 8000 words (counting the article's body without the abstract, subheadings, captions, block quotes, and references) on double-spaced pages.
5. The paper format of a submission should be "A4". For text, use Times New Roman, 12pt, double spaced.
6. Please ensure that the title is clearly marked on each page.
7. Submissions will be evaluated on an anonymous basis. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, information identifying the author should only be included on the cover sheet and must not appear in the Word document.
8. The final decision to publish an article or refuse publication rests solely with the Editorial Board.
We look forward to receiving your submission!